Punjab Engineering College (Deemed to be University), Chandigarh today celebrated National Technology Day 2024 with a Poster Presentation. Director, PEC, Prof. (Dr.) Baldev Setia, along DSA Dr. D. R. Prajapati, Prof. Arun Kumar Singh (Head, SRIC), Prof. R. S. Walia, Dr. Manohar Singh (Professor-In-Charge SRIC), Dr. Mohit Tyagi (Professor-In-Charge SRIC) and all the other faculty members graced the occasion with their esteemed presence.
In this technological celebration, posters were presented by Departments of Electrical, Electronics Communication, Computer Science, Civil, Mechanical, Material & Metallurgy, Production & Industrial Engineering and Departments of Applied Sciences of Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics of Punjab Engineering College. Students presented a variety of posters on their research work covering the different domains of research like Material, Energy, Artificial Intelligence, Solid state devices and Applied Physics.
Director, Prof. (Dr.) Baldev Setia, encourages the students to continue such research projects while studying. He also said that the selected projects would be shown to industry experts for future execution of this research.
PEC's National Technology Day celebration showcased student innovation in diverse fields like environmental remediation and medical diagnostics. Director, Prof. Setia's encouragement and plans to engage industry experts emphasized PEC's commitment to fostering real-world impact through academic excellence, research and collaborations.