Sponsored Research

The institute encourages its faculty to undertake research in the field of science and technology through sponsored projects. At present faculty along with research scholars and research fellows are engaged in sponsored project of 2 to 5 years duration funded by Government agencies. Some of them are Department of Science and Technology, Department of Information Technology, Indo-French Centre for the Promotion of Advanced Research, CSIR, AICTE, SASE and Chandigarh Administration.

Sponsored Research Projects

Project Title PI Co-PI Status More Details
Composition-microstructure-property correlation studies of eco-friendly (lead free) relaxor ferroelectrics for pulse power capacitor applications Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Dr. Arun Kumar Singh Ongoing More Details
Enhanced electrostrictive properties in chemically modified high temperature lead free BiFeO3-BaTiO3 relaxor based ceramics Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Dr. Arun Kumar Singh Ongoing More Details
Indigenous Development of Austempered Ductile Iron Technology for use in Automobile & Agricultural Industries in India by PEC Chandigarh Dr Uma Batra Ongoing More Details
Framework for Generating Actionable – Intelligence from Cyber Space Using Computational Techniques & Analysis” under ICPS Programme of DST, GOI, New Delhi Dr. Divya Bansal Dr. Sanjeev Sofat , Dr. Poonam Saini Ongoing More Details
Theme Coordination Project under Cluster Proposal under the Cyber Security (CS) Research of Interdisciplinary Cyber Physical Systems (ICPS), DST, GOI, New Delhi Dr. Divya Bansal Dr. Manvjeet Kaur Ongoing More Details
Synthesis of Nanostructured polyaniline, metal oxides for electrochemical biosensors, and energy conversion applications Dr. Anu Prathap Ongoing More Details
Novel GaN Self-Switching Diode Based Frequency Multipliers Dr. Arun Kumar Singh Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Ongoing More Details
Memristor- FPGA hybrid hardware system for brain inspired analog Computing Dr. Arun Kumar Singh Dr. Sanjeev Kumar, Dr. Gaurav Mani Khanal Ongoing More Details
Composition-microstructure-property correlation studies of eco-friendly(lead free) magnetoelectric multiferroic composite Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Dr. Arun Kumar Singh Completed More Details
Synthesis of High Energy Density Ferroelectric Materials for Shockwave Generators Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Completed More Details