An Expert Lecture on "IoT and Telemedicine" was held on 10th July, 2019. The lecture has been organized by the Computer Centre as a part of the ongoing Six Weeks Workshop on Web Development and Introduction to Programming the Internet of Things (IoT) in association with Chandigarh Subsection of IEEE to provide the students with an opportunity to get an introduction to the world of Fog Computing. The guest lecture began with a welcome address by Sh. Prabhsimran Singh Bindra, Co-Coordinator for the workshop. He also introduced Dr. Sanjay Batish, Coordinator of the workshop and fellow Co-Coordinators namely Sh. Sushil Kumar and Sh. Sandeep Pathak. He then welcomed Dr. Sanjay Sood, Associate Director, C-DAC, Mohali, resource person to deliver the lecture.
Dr. Sanjay Sood did his Ph.D from Indraprastha University, Delhi and has national implementations centered on Health Informatics (Telemedicine / eHealth and Personal Health Records as his research area. He has provided Advisory services to the Chandigarh Administration on Transforming Chandigarh into a Smart City, Digital India Programme and eGovernance projects / Mission Mode Projects under National eGovernance Plan (NeGP) / UIDAI / Multilateral Funding Agencies like World Bank in various departments of Chandigarh Administration.andnbsp; The session was then continued by Dr. Sanjay who began with an introduction to a Project for national roll-out/implementation of telemedicine at 1,55,000+ Health and Wellness Centres across India under Ayushman Bharat Scheme of Govt. of India. Following which, he explained the role of IoT Devices in Health Informatics / Healthcare IT / eHealth / Telemedicine. His lecture took the participants on a journey starting from various eGovernance projects / Mission Mode Projects underandnbsp;Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Govt. of India to IoT based solutions to improved health and wellness across the country.
The session ended with a hearty thanks to Dr. Sanjay Sood in appreciation for taking the time out to educate the students on Internet of Things. Dr. Sanjay Sood thanked the Coordinator, Dr. Sanjay Batish and his team for providing the platform to organize Expert Lectures on such innovative technologies. He appreciated faculty members, students and other participants for the successful conduction of the lecture.