Punjab Engineering College (Deemed to be University), Chandigarh, hosted a special talk and interactive session with Padma Shri Awardee Dr. Kiran Seth, the founder of SPIC MACAY, a 47-year-old voluntary movement aimed at celebrating the rich cultural heritage of India among the youth. The event took place this evening, on September 2, 2024. This auspicious occasion was graced by Dr. Kiran Seth, Dr. Shakuntala Lavasa Ji, various members of the SPIC MACAY Foundation, along with Prof. Shobhna Dhiman (ADSA) and Dr. Jyoti Kedia (ADSA) from PEC. The event began with a floral welcome for the esteemed guests.
Dr. Kiran Seth, an alumnus of IIT Delhi and PhD holder from Columbia University, engaged the audience with an intriguing introduction. He invited several members of SPIC MACAY to share their experiences and perspectives on being part of the organization. Dr. Shakuntala Lavasa Ji, a medical professional, shared her enlightening experience as a member of this non-profit organization, followed by a fascinating perspective from Amulya Shukla Ji, who spoke about his initial exposure to classical music and his deepening appreciation for its intricacies. Following this, Prof. K.K. Gogna, a retired faculty member from PEC, shared his over 20 years of experience with the organization. Prof. Ravi Srinivasan from IISER, Mohali, expressed his admiration for Indian attire and shared his conceptual understanding of music and its profound impact on his professional life.
Moving further, Dr. Seth began his engaging and absorbing talk with the audience. He shared several life-changing lessons on how to tackle the 'monkey mind' and emphasized the importance of increasing concentration and patience. He advised, "Do any form of concentration every day." He also stressed the importance of entering the 'alpha domain' by listening to Indian classical music daily. Dr. Seth recounted his realization of the depth of thought in the utterances of Ustad Nasir Aminuddin Dagar, which dawned on him while practicing the note 'Sa' for many hours at a stretch. He quoted:
"Ek sade, sab saade, sab sade sab jaaye;
Tumhe 'Re' pe jaane ki ijaazat tab hai jab tumhe 'Sa' ka darshan ho jaaye."
Lastly, Dr. Seth demonstrated some breathing exercises to practice daily for increasing concentration. This 47-year-old organization is conducting around 5,000 events annually worldwide. A visual documentary showcasing the activities and working of SPIC MACAY had also been shown.
At the end, Prof. Jyoti Kedia provided a vote of thanks!