Manohar Singh

Manohar Singh
Department Electrical Engineering
Designation Associate Professor
Qualification Ph.D ( IIT Delhi), M.Tech .(IIT Roorkee)
Research Interests Power Systems: Power Systems Protection, Power Systems Stability, Renewables, Power Systems Planning, E- Mobility.
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Sr. No. Title
16 Manohar Singh, B.K. Panigrahi and Soumya Prakash Dash, “Optimal Coordination of Microprocessor Based Relays Using Differential Search algorithm,” Electric Power Components and Systems, Taylor & Francis accepted in June 2016.impact factor -1.07, ISSNo. 15325008
17 Manohar Singh, B.K.Panigrahi and Vishnuvardhan T, “Sympathetic Trippings Blocking in over current Relay Coordination Algorithm during Steady State & Transient Network Topologies,” International Journal Of Emerging Electric Power Systems,vol 17, issue.3, pp. 311-326, June 2016. Impact factor-0.861, ISSno. 553-779X
18 Manohar Singh, T. Vishnuvardhan and S. Srivani, “Adaptive Protection coordination for power networks under penetration of DER. IET Generation, transmission and distribution. Vol.10, issue 15.pp.3919-3929, Nov.2016, impact factor-2.995, ISBN No. 1751-8695
Sr. No. Title Agency Duration of Years
6 Design & development of an adaptive protection schemes for distribution systems with large penetration of renewables. Ministry of Power Grant-72.38 Lacks 2.5 years
Sr. No. Society Duration
1 IEEE PES Member
2 IEEE Senior Member