Manohar Singh

Manohar Singh
Department Electrical Engineering
Designation Associate Professor
Qualification Ph.D ( IIT Delhi), M.Tech .(IIT Roorkee)
Research Interests Power Systems: Power Systems Protection, Power Systems Stability, Renewables, Power Systems Planning, E- Mobility.
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Sr. No. Title
6 Manohar Singh and Anubha Agarwal, Voltage-Current Time Inverse Cluster based Protection Coordination for Photovoltaic connected Power Networks, IET Generation, transmission and distribution, Volume: 13 , Issue: 6, pp-3 26 2019.
7 Astha chawala, Bhavesh Bhalaja, B K Panigrahi and Manohar Singh, “Gravitational Search Based Algorithm for Optimal Coordination of Directional Overcurrent Relays Using User Defined Characteristic, Electric Power Components and Systems, Taylor & Francis, vol.46, issue-1, Pages 43-55 March 2018.
8 Manohar Singh, Vishnuvarthan T and SG Srivanio, “Enhanced Real Time Coordination of Distance and User Defined Over Current Relays, International journal of electric power and energy system, Elsevier, vol. 98, pp. 430-431, Dec 2017, Impact factor 4.63
9 Vishnuvardhan T, Janmejaya Pradhan, Anubha Agrawal and Manohar Singh, “Protection Challenges Under Bulk Penetration of Renewable Energy Resources in Power Systems-A Review, CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems, vol3. No.3, page. 365 - 379, Nov. 2017. Iss no . 2096-0042, impact score. 2.27
10 Manohar Singh. “'Protection Coordination in Distribution Systems with and without Distributed Energy Resources- a Review,” International journal of Protection and Control of Modern Power Systems, vol-2, Issue 17,pp.1-17, 2017. Issno 2367-0983
Sr. No. Title Agency Duration of Years
6 Design & development of an adaptive protection schemes for distribution systems with large penetration of renewables. Ministry of Power Grant-72.38 Lacks 2.5 years
Sr. No. Society Duration
1 IEEE PES Member
2 IEEE Senior Member