Words from HoD

Rintu Khanna

Prof. Rintu Khanna
Head of Department
Electrical Engineering
(0172)2753451, 0172-2753452

Electrical Engineering was built on the shoulders of giants – Faraday, Tesla, Edison, Marconi, Bell to name a few – to meet the energy and telecommunication needs of humanity. Electrical Engineering is keeping the promise. This discipline is poised to continue making important contributions to key issues facing society in areas such as power and energy, bio-sciences, environmental monitoring, computing, networked communications, new innovative materials and devices that create greener, more energy-efficient solutions for our world. We, here at PEC University of Technology’s Electrical Engineering Department are continuing to push forward the frontiers of what can be done with devices, circuits, systems, signals and information. Our department combines research with a rigorous and vibrant learning environment for all our students, and we are proud of the balance we provide between the many aspects of EE – both theoretical and practical, and between traditional and emerging fields. We aim to produce graduates who are excellently prepared for careers within and beyond EE. We offer degrees at BE, ME, and Ph.D level. In all areas, the theoretical material is strongly motivated by practical experience. Our undergraduate program is thriving as we implement an updated curriculum to prepare our undergraduates for the workforce and graduate studies. Our ME program is highly flexible offering the chance to study the newest and most important EE topics in depth. PhD student enrollment is booming (with increased selectivity). Efforts are made to promote research collaborations. Please feel welcome to explore this website for a glimpse of our research, competitive academic programs, supportive learning environment, teaching activities and modern facilities.