Professor Rajendra Madhukar Belokar

Rajendra M Belokar
Department Production and Industrial Engineering
Designation Professor & Head
Qualification Ph.D. Engineering and Technology (Panjab University)
Research Interests Manufacturing System Design, Value Engineering, Production and Operations management, TPM, and TQM
Email ( Official ) ( Personal )
Phone Number 91-172-2753287 ( Office )
91-172-2753661 ( Resdence )

Sr. No. Title
16 Nikhilesh Singh, RM Belokar, RS Walia, 2022/3/2, Fabrication and mechanical characterization of Al7075-T6/SiC/Gr/S-glass fiber particulate reinforced hybrid metal matrix composite using vacuum sealed stir casting technique, Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals, Springer India, Pages 1-10.(Q4)
17 Physiological evaluation of manual lifting tasks on Indian male workers (2012), page:8-16 IJEAT, Volume 2 Issue 1 ISSSN:2249-8958
18 Improving the Process Capability of a Boring Operation By The Application of Statistical Technique, (2012) IJSER, Volume 3, Issue 5, May 2012, ISSN 2229-5518
19 Analysis of Thermal Errors in CNC machine tool (Nov, 2009) The Multi-faceted Technology Journal for Industry Technology Trends, Volume No 10, No.10, 2009, pp 33-37. ISSN: 0972-5040
20 Framework for Design and Development of a Competitive Manpower System (CMPS) Through Axiomatic Design for Manufacturing Enterprise – A Case Study (July- September, 2009) Udyog Pragati, A Journal published by NITIE (National Institute of Industrial Engine
Sr. No. Society Duration
1 Member INVEST Since 2003
2 Member IE(India) Since 1997
3 Life Member of ISTE Since 1992
4 Member APICS, USA 2011-2014
5 Sr. Member SME, USA 2007-2014
Sr. No. Recent Books
6 Harish Kumar Banga, Rajesh Kumar, Parveen Kalra, RM Belokar, Somya Saxena, 2022, Use of Additive Manufacturing in the Battle Against COVID-19, Emerging Applications of 3D Printing During CoVID 19 Pandemic, Springer, Singapore, Pages 167-177.
7 Book Chapter (BC) “Influence of Broadband Internet in users behaviors in India” in “The Broadband Revolution” Pages from 216 to 229, A Professional Reference Book Published by the ICFI-University Press, Hyderabad, 2007 ISBN :81-314-1236-3