Suresh Chand

Suresh Chand
Department Metallurgical & Materials Engineering
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification B.Tech. (Metallurgical & Materials Engineering-NITD), M.Tech. (Materials Science and Engineering-IITK)
Research Interests 3G Advanced High Strength Steel (AHSS) for Automotive industries, Brazing of metals (e.g: Ti and its alloys), Bulkultrafine nanostructured materials produced by ball milling and severe plastic deformation processes, structure , Aging of alloys
Email ( Official ) ( Personal )
Phone Number 0172-2753960 ( Office )

Sr. No. Title
1 Suresh Chand, Navjeevan Kumar Rana, Khushboo Rakha, Shahriar Reza, Uma Batra,
Synthesis and characterization of CoCrFeNi1.75-xTi0.25+x high entropy alloy,
Materials Today: Proceedings,Volume 62, Part 14, 2022,7540-7546,
2 Suresh Chand, Shivam Bhardwaj, Khushboo Rakha, Ravi Mohan Prasad, Uma. Batra,
Development and characterization of Al-Si-Cu-Zn-Sn brazing filler alloy using vacuum arc furnace,
Materials Today: Proceedings, Volume 62, Part 14,2022,7547-7553
3 Suresh Chand, Anurag Gaur, Khushboo Rakha, Uma Batra,
Synthesis and characterization of (Al-20Cu-8Si-3Sn) low temperature brazing alloy via powder metallurgy route,
Materials Today: Proceedings, Volume 62, Part 14, 2022, 7574-7580,
4 S. Chand,, K. Rakha, R.M. Prasad, (2024). Thermodynamic Study of Novel Fe-Mn-Si Alloys. In: Tiwari, A., Ray, P.K., Sardana, N., Kumar, R. (eds) Proceedings of the International Conference on Fundamental and Industrial Research on Materials. iConFIRM 2023. Springer Proceedings in Physics, vol 308. Springer, Singapore.
5 M. Kumar, R. Kant, S. Chand, U. Prakash, S. Sehgal, K.K. Saxena, J.P. Davim, C. Prakash, High-Temperature Corrosion Performance of FeAl-Based Alloys Containing Carbon in Molten Salt, Metals. 11 (2021) 2040, SCIE