Mohinder Pal Garg

Mohinder Pal Garg
Department Mechanical Engineering
Designation Associate Professor
Qualification PhD (NIT, Kurukshetra.), M.E. (Thapar University, Patiala), B.Tech (SLIET)
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Sr. No. Title
1 Garg, M.P. et al. (2005), “Finding the natural frequencies and mode shapes for vibrational analysis of upright drilling machine”, Journal of Institution of engineers, Oct, 2005(Indexed by Scopus).
2 Garg, M. P., et al. (2015), On process analysis and optimisation of wire electric discharge machining of Ti 6-2-4-2 using regression modelling and genetic algorithms”, International Journal of Machining and Machinability of materials, Inderscience Publisher, Impact factor 0.6, Vol. 17, Nos. 3/4,pp. 185-210
3 Garg, M.P. et al. (2015), “Investigation of wire electric discharge machining of Zrsio4p/Al 6063 MMC”, International Journal of Machining and Machinability of materials Inderscience Publisher.
4 Garg, M. P., Sharma, N.., and Khanna, R., 2015, “Multiple performance characteristics optimization for Al 7075 on electric discharge drilling by Taguchi grey relational theory” Journal of Industrial Engg. International, DOI 10.1007/s40092-015-0112-z
5 Garg, M.P. et al., (2014), “Prediction of optimal conditions for WEDM of Al 6063/ ZrSiO4(p) MMC”, Proceedia Material Science 6 (2014) 1024 – 1033.
Sr. No. Title Agency Duration of Years
1 MODROB Project on “Advancement in CAD and Automation lab” AICTE
Sr. No. Society Duration
1 ISTE life member