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"Effect of surface finish on corrosion behavior of polished Al6061 alloy in simulated acid rain environment", SK Maurya, P Chechi, R Prasad, CK Susheel, A Manna - Materials Today: Proceedings, 64, 755-759, 2022. |
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"Experimental investigation of wire EDM parameters during machining of fabricated hybrid Al/(SiC+ZrO2+NiTi)-MMC", SK Maurya, CK Susheel, A Manna - Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies, 1-11, 2022. |
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"Advances in Modeling and Control of Magnetorheological Elastomers for Engineering Applications", NK Dhiman, SM Salodkar, Gagandeep, C Susheel, Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, 1-43, 2023. |
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"An investigation into vibrational behaviour of the functionally graded carbon nanotube reinforced shell structure", NK Dhiman, C Susheel, A Sharma, SM Salodkar, Materials Today: Proceedings 62 (2022), 7428-7437 |
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“Non Linear vibration analysis of piezolaminated functionally graded cylindrical shell”, International journal of nonlinear dynamics and control, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 27-50, 2017 Authors: Susheel, C.K., Kumar, R. and Chauhan, V.S. |