Ankit Kumar

Ankit Kumar
Department Mathematics
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification Ph.D. (University of Delhi) 2021, M.Sc. Mathematics (Hindu College, University of Delhi) 2016, B.Sc. (Hons.) Mathematics (Kirori Mal College, University of Delhi) 2014
Research Interests Operator Theory, Spectral Theory, Fixed Point Theory
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Sr. No. Title
6 Anuradha Gupta and Ankit Kumar, Properties (BR) and (BgR) for bounded linear operators, Rendiconti del Circolo Mathematico di Palermo Series 2, (2019), 69 (2020), no. 2, 601–611. (UGC, SCOPUS, Zentralblatt MATH, Emerging SCI, MCQ-0.29, Scimago-Q3).
7 Anuradha Gupta and Ankit Kumar, Property (UWπ) and perturbations, Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 16, (2019), no. 5, Art. 124, 12 pp. (UGC, SCOPUS, Zentralblatt MATH, SCI Expanded, Impact Factor-1.10, MCQ-0.57, Scimago-Q2).
8 Anuradha Gupta and Ankit Kumar, Common spectral properties of linear operators A and B satisfying AkBkAk=Ak+1 and BkAkBk=Bk+1, Asian European Journal of Mathematics 12 (2019), no. 5, 1950084,18 pp. (UGC, SCOPUS, Zentralblatt MATH, Emerging SCI, MCQ-0.15, Scimago-Q3).