Annual Accreditation Information: Publications

Displaying 1971 - 1980 of 2292 Publications
Faculty Name Department Title
Manish Kumar Computer Science & Engineering Heena Aggarwal, Rajesh Bhatia, Manish Kumar, Shilpa Verma “Change Detection Technique of Web Documents” in 3rd International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Engineering Trends, Communication, Optimization and Sciences (EEECOS)-2016 1-2 June
Manish Kumar Computer Science & Engineering M Kumar, R Bhatia, A Ohri, A Kohli “Design of focused crawler for information retrieval of Indian origin Academicians” Advances in Computing, Communication, & Automation (ICACCA)
Manish Kumar Computer Science & Engineering Kumar, Manish, Ankit Bindal, Robin Gautam, and Rajesh Bhatia. "Keyword query based focused Web crawler." Procedia Computer Science 125 (2018): 584-590.
Manish Kumar Computer Science & Engineering Manish Kumar, Rajesh Bhatia Hidden Webpages Detection Using Distributed Learning Automata, 2018 1540-9589 Journal of Web engineering Rinton press
Manish Kumar Computer Science & Engineering Kumar, Manish, Rajesh Bhatia, and Dhavleesh Rattan. "A survey of Web crawlers for information retrieval." Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 7.6 (2017): e1218.
Divya Bansal Computer Science & Engineering Singh, M., Bansal, D., & Sofat, S. (2016). Behavioral analysis and classification of spammers distributing pornographic content in social media. Social Network Analysis and Mining, 6(1), 41,Vienna- ISSN: 1869-5469 (online). (ESCI, Scopus Indexed, Google Scholar, DBLP), IF: 0.876
Divya Bansal Computer Science & Engineering Gandotra, E., Bansal, D., & Sofat, S. (2017). A Framework for Generating Malware Threat Intelligence. Scalable Computing: Practice and Experience, 18(3), 195-206. ISSN: 1895-1767. IF: 1.197
Divya Bansal Computer Science & Engineering Gandotra, E., Bansal, D., & Sofat, S. (2017). Malware Threat Assessment Using Fuzzy Logic Paradigm. Cybernetics and Systems, 48(1), 29-48., ISSN: 1755-0394. (SCIE Indexed, Scopus). IF: 1.197
Divya Bansal Computer Science & Engineering Gandotra, E., Bansal, D., & Sofat, S. (2017). Malware Threat Assessment Using Fuzzy Logic Paradigm. Cybernetics and Systems, 48(1), 29-48, ISSN: 1755-0394 .(SCIE Indexed, Scopus). IF: 1.434
Divya Bansal Computer Science & Engineering Singh, M., Bansal, D. and Sofat, S. (2018) Who is Who on Twitter– Spammer, Fake or Compromised Account? A Tool to Reveal True Identity in Real-Time, Cybernetics and Systems, Print ISSN: 0196-9722 Online ISSN: 1087-6553, SCIE, Vol 49. IF: 1.434