Annual Accreditation Information: Publications

Displaying 1441 - 1450 of 2292 Publications
Faculty Name Department Title
Dr. Seema Vasishta Central Library Vasishta, Seema (2014). “Assessing Users' Satisfaction with Information Resources and Library Services: A Survey of PEC University of Technology, Chandigarh”. KELPRO Bulletin, 18 (1), 27-40.
Dr. Seema Vasishta Central Library Vasishta, Seema (2014). “Managing Access to E-journals: A Study of Technical University Libraries of North India”. Library Philosophy and Practice (LPP) (ISSN 1522-0222).
Dr. Seema Vasishta Central Library Vasishta, Seema (2015). Adoption of Web 2.0 Technologies by Punjab University Library Chandigarh: A Study. Paper published in proceedings of the 60th ILA International Conference on ‘Embedded Librarianship and Technological Challenges of the Digital Age’ jointly organized by ILA and AC Joshi Library from April 8-10, 2015 pp 655-662.
Dr. Seema Vasishta Central Library Vasishta, Seema (2015). Application of Information and Communication Technology for Library Sustainability in Digital World. In book entitled ‘Aspects of Change: From Professional to Social Cataloguing’ edited by Jatinder K. Samyal, KBD Pub, New Delhi, pp 191-197. ISBN:978-81-927056-6-8
Dr. Seema Vasishta Central Library Vasishta, Seema (2015). Deterring Plagiarism: A Study of Steps Taken By PEC University of Technology, Chandigarh. Presented at CALIBER 2015 at Panjab University, Chandigarh from March 12-14, 2015 pp 364-369.
Dr. Seema Vasishta Central Library Vasishta, Seema (2015). Making Library Resources Easily Discoverable: an Overview of Web-Scale Discovery Service as Being Implemented in PEC University of Technology. Paper published in proceedings of the 60th ILA International Conference on ‘Embedded Librarianship and Technological Challenges of the Digital Age’ jointly organized by ILA and AC Joshi Library from April 8-10, 2015 pp 663-671
Ravinderjit Singh Walia Production & Industrial Engineering Kumar, Sanjay, Sandeep Grover, and Walia R S, 2018, Analyzing and modeling the performance index of ultrasonic vibration assisted EDM using graph theory and matrix approach. International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM), 12(1), 225-242. (Emerging SCI)
Dr. Sanjay Kumar Batish Computer Centre Comparative Reliability Analysis of AODV and DSR Protocols in VANET using ESTINET Simulator, Published In : UACEE International Journal of Advances in Computer Networks and its Security – IJCNS, Author(s): SANJAY BATISH, SANJEEV SOFAT, AMARDEEP DHIMAN, DEVAN THAKUR, Digital Object Identifier: 10.3850/ 978-981-07-6935-2_23,Publication Year: 2013, Page(s):36 – 39, Volume 3 : Issue 3 [ISSN 2250 – 3757]
Rakesh Kumar Dang Mechanical Engineering "Energy & Exergy Analysis of Thermal Power Plant at Design and Off Design Load." International Advanced Research Journal in Science, Engineering and Technology 3 (2017): 29-36.
Rajesh Kumar Kanda Mechanical Engineering Study of Effects of Variation in Kinetic Energy of Working Fluid on Effectiveness of Counter-Flow Heat Exchangers, Journal of Engineering & Technology Education. Volume 7, No. 2. (ISSN 2229-631X); Authors: Rajesh Kumar, S. Dhami