S K Singh

S K Singh
Department Civil Engineering
Designation Professor & Head
Qualification Ph.D
Research Interests Geotechnical Engineering (Slope stability, Slope stabilization, pile foundation); Geoenvironment Engineering (Engineered landfills, Ash ponds)
Email sksingh@pec.edu.in ( Official )
sksingh99_99@yahoo.com ( Personal )
Phone Number 0172-2753363 ( Office )
0172-2747580 ( Resdence )

Sr. No. Title
21 S.K Singh (2010) ‘Sorption and Leaching Characteristics of Heavy Metals through Clay Mixed with Waste Materials’ 6th International Conference on Environmental Geotechnique, 8-12 Nov 2010, New Delhi
22 S.K Singh and Manoj Datta (2010) ‘Raising of Dykes of Ash Slurry Pond - A Case Study’ 6th International Conference on Environmental Geotechnique, 8-12 Nov 2010, New Delhi
23 S.K Singh (2010) ‘Sorption and Leaching Characteristics of Heavy Metals through Clay’ Indian Geotechnical Conference on Geotchniques in Infrastructure Development (IGC-2009) held on 18-20 Feb 2010, Guntur , A.P
24 J Singh and S.K Singh (2021) Dynamic Properties of Spatially-Varied Pond Ash within a Coal Ash Pond, International Journal of Geomechanics, ASCE, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)GM.1943-5622.0002255, SCI, Impact Factor: 3.61 ISSN 1532-3641.
25 A. Malik, S. K. Singh and M. Kumar (2021) Experimental analysis of scour under circular pier, Water Supply, SCI Expanded, IWA Publishing, DOI: 10.2166/ws.2020.318, Impact Factor: 1.265, ISSN 1606-9749
Sr. No. Title Agency Duration of Years
6 Geotechnical Computational Facility In-House Project 2008-2011
7 Studies on mechanism of attachment/ detachment of contaminants in the soil systems AICTE, New Delhi 2006-2009
Sr. No. Society Duration
1 Indian Roads Congress 1997-2003
2 Institution of Engineers 2007-2013
3 Indian Geotechnical Society 2002-2013
Sr. No. Recent Books
6 “Geotechnical Characteristics of Soils and Rocks of India, Chapter- 7: Chandigarh” ISBN 9781003177159, CRC Press, Ist Edition 2021, pages 19