S K Singh

S K Singh
Department Civil Engineering
Designation Professor & Head
Qualification Ph.D
Research Interests Geotechnical Engineering (Slope stability, Slope stabilization, pile foundation); Geoenvironment Engineering (Engineered landfills, Ash ponds)
Email sksingh@pec.edu.in ( Official )
sksingh99_99@yahoo.com ( Personal )
Phone Number 0172-2753363 ( Office )
0172-2747580 ( Resdence )

Sr. No. Title
51 S.K Singh, R.K Srivastava and S. John (2009) ‘Studies on Soil Contamination Due to Used Motor Oil and its Remediation’, Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Vol. 46, No. 9, pp 1077-1083
52 S.K Singh, R.K Srivastava and S John (2008) ‘Settlement Characteristics of Clayey Soils Contaminated with Petroleum Hydrocarbons’, Int. Journal of Soil and Sediment Contamination, Vol. 17, No. 3, May 2008, pp. 290-300
53 S. K Singh, R.Lal & V. Nathalia (2006) ‘Soil-Structure interaction in RCC framed buildings’ Journal The Institution of Engineers (India), Vol 87, CV/2, pp 52-55
54 S.K. Singh, M.P. Singh & V. Nathalia (2004) ‘Studies on normal strength Fly-ash concretes’ Journal New Buildings Materials and construction world, Vol. 10, issue 3, pp 112- 16
55 S.K Singh (2002) ‘Correlation between soaked CBR & UCS of compacted Soil-Lime-Fly ash Mixtures’, Journal New Buildings Materials and construction world, Vol. 8, issue 6, pp 70- 81
Sr. No. Title Agency Duration of Years
1 Inspection visit at Shivalik Landfill, Baddi (Job No 2360 dated 25.01.12) Shivalik solid waste management Ltd 2012-2013
2 PI for the construction of road from Dwarka to Kheri Daula (phase-2) Gurgaon (Job No 2559 dt 23.11.12) Executive Engineer, HUDA Divn-2, Gurgaon 2012-13
3 Technical advice for Landfill (Cell-6) at BEIL, Ankaleshwar (Job No 2433 dt 27.04.12) Bharuch Enviro Infrastructure Ltd, Ankaleshwar 2012-13
4 Technical advice for Landfill (Cell-5) at BEIL, Ankaleshwar (Job No 2193dt 16.06.11 ) Bharuch Enviro Infrastructure Ltd, Ankaleshwar 2011-2012
5 Consultancy services for the construction of secured landfill facilities (Job No 2638 dt 30.04.13) Bharuch Enviro Infrastructure Ltd, Ankaleshwar 2013
Sr. No. Society Duration
1 Indian Roads Congress 1997-2003
2 Institution of Engineers 2007-2013
3 Indian Geotechnical Society 2002-2013
Sr. No. Recent Books
6 “Geotechnical Characteristics of Soils and Rocks of India, Chapter- 7: Chandigarh” ISBN 9781003177159, CRC Press, Ist Edition 2021, pages 19