3D Scanning System and Software

February 17, 2023
Name of the Equipment
3D Scanning System and Software
Equipment Image
3D Scanning  System and Software
Faculty Incharge

Dr. Ankit Yadav


3D scanner is used in development, quality assurance and production to reduce time and cost of building of 3D models. Main applications are 3D inspection, reverse engineering and rapid manufacturing.

3D scanning system consists of two types of 3D scanning heads:-

  1. Atos core 45 mm
  2. Atos core 300 mm
    Accuracy- 5 microns

Measuring area of Atos core 45 (5m) and Atos core 300 (5m) are 45 x 30 mm and 300 x 230 mm respectively

Centre of Excellence in Industrial and Product Design
Status of Equipment
Purchased from Institute fund/ Project grant/ others
Technical Education Quality Improvement Programme of Government of India (TEQIP-II)
Centre of Excellence