
Walk in interview for the post of Guest Faculty


  1. The Institute intends to hold a Walk-in-interview to select eligible candidates for the post of Guest Faculty in the subject of English (Communication Skills) in Centre of Management & Humanities for a period of two months i.e. upto 31.07.2023 in the Board Room adjacent to Director's office as per schedule below:-
    S.No. Department Date of Interview (Tentative)
    1. Centre of Management & Humanities for the subject of English (Communication Skills) 09.06.2023
    Note: The reporting time for interview is from 9.00 am to 9.30 am . No candidates will be entertained after reporting time.
  2. Essential Qualification for Guest Faculty and Temporary Faculty: First class Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree with PhD completed/thesis submitted in the relevant discipline.
  3. Honorarium to Guest Faculty- Maximum emoluments of Rs. 50,000/- per month @ Rs. 1500/- Lecture (per hour) and Rs. 750/-Tutorial/Practical (per hour)
  4. Process to apply:
    1. Faculty may apply as per the following specialization:
      Department/Centre:  Centre of Management & Humanities
      Bachelor's Degree:  BA Humanities
      Master's Degree: MA English
      PhD Degree: PhD
      Specialization: English Language Teaching (ELT)/ English Literature
    2. No TA/DA would be provided for attending interview.
    3. The candidates are required to bring all relevant original documents with 05 self attested photo copies of CV at the time of interview.
    4. The candidates not fulfilling eligibility criteria wouldn't be considered for selection process.
  5. General information:
    1. The Guest Faculty shall perform all academic assignments including lectures, practicals, tutorials, paper checking, grading, examination duties and other responsibilities assigned by the respective HoD.
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