In an era marked by unprecedented challenges and boundless opportunities, the emergence of quantum materials and technology stands as a beacon of hope and necessity. From revolutionizing computing to safeguarding our environment, advancing medicine, securing communication, and exploring the cosmos, the potential applications are as diverse as they are impactful.
As we know that the Union Cabinet approved the National Quantum Mission with outlay of Rs.6003.65 Crore. National Quantum Mission is a landmark initiative aimed at propelling India to the forefront of quantum research, innovation, and applications. Recently, Department of Science and Technology has invited the pre-proposals to demonstrate the quantum technologies in the four thematic areas: I. Quantum Computing II. Quantum Communication III. Quantum Sensing & Metrology IV. Quantum Materials & Devices.
The establishment of the National Mission on Quantum Technology and Applications is underway, with an urgent need for a skilled workforce. Owing to the need of the hour, PEC is launching a 2-year M.Tech program on "Quantum Materials and Technology." This program is a collaborative effort between the Physics Department in partnership with INST Mohali, IIT Roorkee, IACS Kolkata, IISc Bangalore, IISER Mohali, IIT Delhi, IIT Kanpur, IIT Ropar, and NPL Delhi.
The program will equip students with specialized knowledge and skills related to Quantum Materials and their Applications. Students with practical skills through hands-on laboratory work, experiments, and simulations related to Quantum Materials. The graduating students would have opportunities to enroll preferentially in Ph.D. Program with Principal Investigators from different Institutions participating in this Program.
As we stand on the cusp of this quantum revolution, the time to act is now, for the world of tomorrow is being shaped by the choices we make today.