Annual Accreditation Information: Publications

Displaying 791 - 800 of 2292 Publications
Faculty Name Department Title
Asha Gupta Mathematics Asha Gupta,”Continuous maps in terms of new convergence conditions ” Global Journal of Mathematical Analysis ISSN 2307-9002 Volume 2 No.3, (July2014),152-155.
Asha Gupta Mathematics Asha Gupta,Ramandeep Kaur,”Compact spaces with respect to an Ideal” International Journal of pure and Applied Mathematics, Bulgaria,vol 92,No 3 ,2014,443-448

Asha Gupta Mathematics Asha Goel and Satbir Singh, “Characterizations Of Functions with Closed Graph”, Annals Of the Alexandru Ioan cuza University-Mathematics Citation, Pages 147–156, ISSN (Print) 1221-8421, DOI: 10.2478/aicu-2013-0050, March 2014
Asha Gupta Mathematics Devender Kumar Kamboj, Vinod Kumar, Satbir Singh, Asha Gupta”Normality as hereditary in Cut Points Theory and COTS”, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematical Sciences,ISSN 0972-9828 Volume 6, Number 2 (2013), pp. 253-260.
Asha Gupta Mathematics Asha Gupta , Kamal Kishore, “Almost Closed and Continuous Maps”, IOSR Journal of Mathematics (IOSR-JM) e-ISSN: 2278-3008, volume 8, Issue 5 (Nov. – Dec. 2013), PP 38-39 .
Asha Gupta Mathematics Asha Gupta , Kamal Kishore, “Almost Continuous Maps”, International Journal of Mathematical Archive, ISSN 2229 – 5046 -4(4), 2013, 208-209..
Asha Gupta Mathematics Asha Gupta,” SUFFICIENT CONDITIONS FOR CLOSEDNESS OF MAPS”, International Journal of Mathematics Sciences & Applications ISSN No: 2230- 9888, Vol.3, No.1, 99-101, 2013
Asha Gupta Mathematics Asha Gupta,”Continuous and Closed Maps”, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematical Sciences,ISSN 0972-9828 Volume 6, Number 3 (2013), pp.193-195.
Asha Gupta Mathematics Asha Goel and GL Garg, " Continuity of Maps in Terms of Cluster Points" ,International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Bulgaria,vol 51,No 3 ,2009,431-435.
Asha Gupta Mathematics Asha Goel and Dr GL Garg, "Convergence Conditions and Closed Maps" Soochow Journal of Mathematics, Taiwan China ,vol.33,no.2 (2007) pages 257-261