Annual Accreditation Information: Publications

Displaying 521 - 530 of 2292 Publications
Faculty Name Department Title
Kanu Goel Computer Science and Engineering Kanu Goel and Parteek Bhatia, Information retrieval through UNL based multilingual question answering system, IEEE International Conference on Recent Trends in Electronics, Information & Communication Technology (RTEICT) Bangalore, India, 2016. DOI: 10.1109/RTEICT.2016.7807956 (Scopus Indexed)
Kanu Goel Computer Science and Engineering Kanu Goel and Shalini Batra, Impact of Randomization on Ensembles for Streams with Concept Drift, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, IOP Publishing, 2021, DOI 10.1088/1742-6596/1824/1/012006 (SCOPUS Indexed)
Kanu Goel Computer Science and Engineering Kanu Goel and Shalini Batra, Adaptive Online Learning for Classification under Concept Drift, International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering, Inderscience, 2021, (SCOPUS and ESCI Indexed)
Kanu Goel Computer Science and Engineering Kanu Goel and Shalini Batra, Dynamically updated diversified ensemble based approach for handling concept drift, Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, 2020 (SCIE IF: 0.85)
Kanu Goel Computer Science and Engineering Kanu Goel and Shalini Batra, Dynamically adaptive and diverse dual ensemble learning approach for handling concept drift in data streams, Computational Intelligence, Wiley, 2021 (SCIE IF: 2.14)
Kanu Goel Computer Science and Engineering Kanu Goel and Shalini Batra, Two-Level Pruning based Ensemble with Abstained Learners for Concept Drift in Data Streams, Expert Systems, Wiley, 2020 (SCIE IF: 2.81)
Nitin Kumar Computer Science and Engineering Nitin Kumar, R. K. Agrawal. Block LDA via QR-Decomposition for Face Recognition with Single Image per Person. International Journal of Knowledge-based and Intelligent Engineering Systems, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 173-181, 2015, ISSN No. 1327-2314, DOI: (Scopus)
Nitin Kumar Computer Science and Engineering Nitin Kumar, R. K. Agrawal and Ajay Jaiswal. Incremental and Decremental Non-parametric Discriminant Analysis for Face Recognition. Computing and Informatics, vol. 35, no. 5, pp. 1231-1248, 2016, ISSN No: 1335-9150. (SCI-E, IF - 0.455)
Nitin Kumar Computer Science and Engineering Nitin Kumar, Thresholding in Salient Object Detection: A Survey. Multimedia Tools and Applications, Springer, Vol. 77, No. 15, pp. 19139-19170, 2017. DOI:, ISSN No: 1380-7501. (SCI-E, IF - 2.577)
Nitin Kumar Computer Science and Engineering Nitin Kumar, Surendra Singh, Abhimanyu Kumar, Random Permutation Principal Component Analysis for Cancelable Biometric Recognition, Applied Intelligence, Springer, Vol. 48, No. 9, pp. 2824 – 2836, 2017. DOI, ISSN No: 0924-669X (SCI, IF – 5.019)