Annual Accreditation Information: Publications

Displaying 2181 - 2190 of 2292 Publications
Faculty Name Department Title
Professor Rajendra Madhukar Belokar Production & Industrial Engineering Improving the Process Capability of a Boring Operation By The Application of Statistical Technique, (2012) IJSER, Volume 3, Issue 5, May 2012, ISSN 2229-5518
Professor Rajendra Madhukar Belokar Production & Industrial Engineering Analysis of Thermal Errors in CNC machine tool (Nov, 2009) The Multi-faceted Technology Journal for Industry Technology Trends, Volume No 10, No.10, 2009, pp 33-37. ISSN: 0972-5040
Professor Rajendra Madhukar Belokar Production & Industrial Engineering Framework for Design and Development of a Competitive Manpower System (CMPS) Through Axiomatic Design for Manufacturing Enterprise – A Case Study (July- September, 2009) Udyog Pragati, A Journal published by NITIE (National Institute of Industrial Engine
Professor Rajendra Madhukar Belokar Production & Industrial Engineering Design and development of a model for competitive production management system (CPMS) through axiomatic design –a case study (July2009), Directory of Open Assess Journals “Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science” ISSN: 20780958, Year : 2009
R.O. Vaishya Production & Industrial Engineering Gaurav kumar, C. S. Jawalkar, Rahul Vaishya, “Six Sigma-An Innovative Approach for Improving Sigma Level: A Case Study of a Brick Company”, International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT), ISSN: 2277-3754, Volume 3, Issue 8, February
R.O. Vaishya Production & Industrial Engineering Ravi Gupta, Mohit Sharma, Rahul O Vaishya, “Experimental investigation of process parameters on surface roughness in hybrid abrasive flow machining process (AFM)”, i-manager Publications, Journal on Material Science, ISSN - 2347-2235, October - December
R.O. Vaishya Production & Industrial Engineering Sahil Mahajan, Rahul O Vaishya, Anurag Gupta, Vijhay Dholle, “Role of Packaging for Enhancing the Sales Appeal”, International Journal, GRA - GLOBAL RESEARCH ANALYSIS, ISSN No 2277 – 8160, Volume: 2(7), July 2013
Parveen Kalra Production & Industrial Engineering Sarthak Seth and Parveen Kalra, ?Effect of Dental Implant Parameters on Stress Distribution at Bone-Implant Interface?, International Journal of Science and Research, Vol.2, No. 6, pp. 121-124, 2013
Prem Lata Chemistry Department “CFD analysis of swirl type single-fluid atomizer for optimization of recrystallization process to make ultrafine RDX explosive”, Varun Goyal, Shallu Gupta, Pal Dinesh Kumar, Deepika Jindal, Gokul Singh, Arun Agarwal and Prem Lata, Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics, 2020, 45, 9-19.
Prem Lata Chemistry Department “Micro nozzle assisted spraying process for re-crystallization of submicron Hexanitrostilbene explosive”, Shallu Gupta, Pal Dinesh Kumar, Deepika Jindal, Sandeep Sharma, Arun Agarwal and Prem Lata, Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics, 2018, 43, 721–731