Annual Accreditation Information: Publications

Displaying 1751 - 1760 of 2292 Publications
Faculty Name Department Title
Deepak Bagai Electronics & Communication Engineering Nagender Sah, Neelam Rup Parkash,Deepak Bagai, “Analysis of Bandwidth utilization in wireless mesh networks” International Journal of Innovation,Management and Technology,Vol 4, No. 5,Oct. 2013,pp 528-533.
Rintu Khanna Electrical Engineering Solar Resource Assessment Tool?, National Conference on Low and High Temperature applications of Solar Energy 2013 0n 25-26 May 2013 NIT Kurukshetra
Deepak Bagai Electronics & Communication Engineering Nagender Sah,Neelam Rup Parkash,Deepak Bagai, “Performance evaluation and optimization of ODMRP routing protocols over 802.11based wireless mobile Ad-hoc network”, International Journal of Computer Science and Technology,Vol. 3,No. 4,Oct.- Dec 2012,pp 643
Rintu Khanna Electrical Engineering Passive Solar Building design?, National Conference on Low and High Temperature applications of Solar Energy 2013 0n 25-26 May 2013 NIT Kurukshetra
Deepak Bagai Electronics & Communication Engineering Nagender Sah,Neelam Rup Parkash,Deepak Bagai, “Performance Analysis of Multicating Routing Protocols in MANETS”,International Journal of Computer and Communication Enginering,Volume 1 ,No. 3,Sep 2012,pp 269-272.
Rintu Khanna Electrical Engineering Impact of Solar Power on Conventional Grid?, A NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON?RECENT TRENDS IN ENERGY SYSTEMS?(NCRTES-2013) (APRIL 5th & 6th-2013) organized by Kamla Nehru Institute of Technology Sultanpur.
Deepak Bagai Electronics & Communication Engineering Rita Mahajan,Deepak Bagai, “Cognitive Radio Networks with Dynamic Spectrum Access”,International Journal of Communication Engineering and Applications,Vol 03,No.01,January-April 2012,pp 407-411.
Deepak Bagai Electronics & Communication Engineering Pamela Chawla,Neelu Jain,Deepak Bagai, “Computer Waste Management: A review on Indian initiatives” Int. Journal of Environmental Technology and Management,2011,Vol.14,No. 5/6, pp 485-500
Bipan Kaushal Electronics & Communication Engineering Research paper ‘A New Technique of Quality Analysis for Rice Grading for Agmark Standards’, Published in IJITEE at Volume-3 Issue-12 on May 10, 2014.
Bipan Kaushal Electronics & Communication Engineering Research paper in International Conference on “Biomedical Engineering and Assistive Technologies” (BEATS-2014) with title “A novel approach in Designing a memory circuit using Multi-bit flip-flop technique”, Pg No.-160-163