Annual Accreditation Information: Publications

Displaying 1721 - 1730 of 2292 Publications
Faculty Name Department Title
Divya Electronics & Communication Engineering Joint Non Linear and Distortion based PAPR Reduction Technique for Optical OFDM Systems, International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, ISSN 2320-9798, Vol. 3, Issue 6, ,pp5083-5088,June 2015
Sandeep Kaur Electrical Engineering Sushma Thakur, Prabhjot Kaur, Sandeep Kaur, Rintu Khanna, “ Congestion Management in presence of Distributed Generation” at the National Conference on Advancements in Electrical Engineering and Energy Sciences (AEEES - 2016) during May 24-25, 2016
Divya Electronics & Communication Engineering A Study of Various PAPR Reduction Techniques for Optical OFDM Systems, International Journal of Computer Applications, (ISSN 0975 – 8887) Volume 115 – No. 15, pp26-29,April 2015
Sandeep Kaur Electrical Engineering Prabhjot Kaur, Sandeep Kaur, Rintu Khanna , “ Distributed Generation: A Review - Operational and Technical Aspects” at the National Conference on Advancements in Electrical Engineering and Energy Sciences (AEEES - 2016) during May 24-25, 2016
Sandeep Kaur Electrical Engineering S. Kaur, M. Kaur, G. Kumbhar and R. Khanna, "A hybrid approach for promoting low carbon technologies in distributed generation planning," 2017 IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid and Smart Cities (ICSGSC), Singapore, 2017, pp. 89-93. doi: 10.1109/ICSGSC.2017.8038555.
Sandeep Kaur Electrical Engineering G. Gaur, N. Mehta, R. Khanna and S. Kaur, "Demand side management in a smart grid environment," 2017 IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid and Smart Cities (ICSGSC), Singapore, 2017, pp. 227-231. doi: 10.1109/ICSGSC.2017.8038581
Sandeep Kaur Electrical Engineering P. Kaur, S. Kaur and R. Khanna, "Optimal placement and sizing of DG comparison of different techniques of DG placement," 2016 IEEE 1st International Conference on Power Electronics, Intelligent Control and Energy Systems (ICPEICES), Delhi, 2016, pp. 1-4.
Sandeep Kaur Electrical Engineering Kaur Sandeep, Kumbhar GB, Sharma JD “Harmony Search and OPF Based Hybrid Approach for Optimal Placement of Multiple DG units” in proc. NPSC 2014 IIT Guwhati. B. Pawar, S. Kaur and G. B. Kumbhar, "An integrated approach for power loss reduction in primary distribution system," 2016 IEEE 6th International Conference on Power Systems (ICPS), IIT Delhi, 2016, pp. 1-6. doi: 10.1109/ICPES.2016.7584049
Sandeep Kaur Electrical Engineering Kaur Sandeep, Kumbhar GB, Sharma JD “Performance of Mixed integer Non-linear programming and improved harmony search for optimal placement of DG units” In: Power and energy society general meeting, 2014 IEEE2014.
Sandeep Kaur Electrical Engineering Karanbir Singh, Sandeep Kaur, “A Review: Framework-Approaches Of Trending Demand Side Load Management”, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN ELECTRONICS AND COMPUTER ENGINEERING, IJRECE VOL. 7 ISSUE 2 (APRIL-JUNE 2019) ISSN: 2393-9028 (PRINT) |ISSN: 2348-2281 (ONLINE), UGC approved journal.