Annual Accreditation Information: Publications

Displaying 1171 - 1180 of 2292 Publications
Faculty Name Department Title Publication Type Year Authorship Journal Name Vol. No. ISSN No.
Prof. Dr. Balwinder Singh Surjan Electrical Engineering Omer, P., Kumar, J. Balwinder singh," A review on reduced switch count multilevel inverter topologies" IEEE Access, Volume 8, Pages 22281-22302, Publisher IEEE Publication date 2020/1/27
Peer Reviewed 2020 Other/Joint Author IEEE Access, Publisher IEEE Publication date 2020/1/27 Volume 8 Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2969551
Jimmy Karloopia Production and Industrial Engineering J. Karloopia, S. Mozammil, P. K. Jha, "Wear and mechanical characteristics of Al-Si/TiB2", Twenty-Second International Conference on composite materials (ICCM22) at Melbourne, Australia, 2019.
Jimmy Karloopia Production and Industrial Engineering S.K. Singh, S. Khan, R.K Mishra, J. Karloopia "Fabrication and Evaluation of Mechanical Properties of Polymer Matrix Composite Using Nano Fibers as Reinforcement ", Processing and Fabrication of Advanced Materials (PFAM28) at Chennai, India, 2020.
Jimmy Karloopia Production and Industrial Engineering S.K. Singh, J. Karloopia, S. Khan, R.K Mishra "Processing and Characterization of Hemp Nanofibers Thermoset Polymer Composite", Processing and Fabrication of Advanced Materials (PFAM28) at Chennai, India, 2020.
C S Jawalkar Production & Industrial Engineering Pankaj Kumar, CS Jawalkar & Suman kant, “critical review on chemical treatment of natural fibers to enhance mechanical properties of bio composites, Silicon, June 2021 SCON-D-21-00061R1.
C S Jawalkar Production & Industrial Engineering Kant S, Jawalkar CS. Comparative modal analysis of cantilever beam made of biocomposites using finite element analysis. Materials Today: Proceedings. 2022 Jan 1;49:2330-4.
C S Jawalkar Production & Industrial Engineering Charak A, Jawalkar CS. Experimental Investigation and Analysis on Borosilicate Glass Using Electrochemical Discharge Machining Process. Silicon. 2022 Feb;14(4):1823-9.
Mandeep Dhanda Production & Industrial Engineering M. Dhanda, A. Kukreja, S.S.Pande, (2020)“Spiral Tool Path Generation for CNC Machining Using Cloud of Points”, International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE),ASME (CONFERENCE)
Mandeep Dhanda Production & Industrial Engineering M. Dhanda, A. Kukreja, and S.S. Pande (2021), “Adaptive spiral tool path generation for computer numerical control machining using point cloud” The Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 235(22), 6240-6256, 2021. DOI: 10.1177/0954406221990077 (SCIE)
Mandeep Dhanda Production & Industrial Engineering A. Kukreja, M. Dhanda, and S.S. Pande (2022), “Voxel-Based Adaptive Toolpath Planning Using Graphics Processing Unit for Freeform Surface Machining,” ASME, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 144(1), 011013-11023, 2022. (SCI)