The Ganga Knowledge Model Sub-Systems, Components and their interaction in the Ganga River Eco-System

PI Details Co-PI Details
Dr. Divya Bansal Dr. Rashmi Sanghi
Funding Agency Project Cost
Department of Science & Technology, New Delhi

Rs. 21,94,500/-

Amount Received till date (in Rs.) Grant Rs. 1,50,000.00 (Non – Recurring)

1st Grant Rs. 10,00,000.00 - Recurring
2nd Grant Rs. 8,50,000.00 - Recurring

Start Date Completion Date Status
2019-10-03 2022-02-02 Completed

Conclusions summarizing the achievements and indication of scope for future work Around 100 KM which is thrice the committed number of KM have been made.

Some more are under construction and need detailed attention along with data authenticity check by experts. Collaboration with institutes and their utilization on respective platforms like websites has been a big limitation due to lack of any response or action thereof. However, as an outcome, I have also initiated the planning for an academic publication in a coffee table book style.

Manpower Sanctioned/Hired Manpower Trained

Others (Nos) : 01 Fellowship for Ph.D.

Equipment Sanctioned/Procured

Name of Equipment

Make & Model

Year of Purchase


Salient Features of Equipment

Condition (Working / Not Working)




Rs. 1,09,998/-




Output/Outcome of the Project
Output/Outcome of the project

A lot of secondary data like articles, publications, maps and reports have been collected and compiled and researched. More than double the committed target of 30 KM has been achieved in terms of research and building the knowledge models.